Meet our team.
Our team is growing rapidly, as people of faith from urban communities across America rise up to fulfill the call to marginalized neighborhoods.
We would love to see you at our next WI+H Ministry Studio, as your first step to leading WI+H in your city.
Here are a few of our visionary leaders you will meet and collaborate with when you join us.
Walter Harvey, Founder
Who are you WI+H?
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Sherman Park and Brown Deer Neighborhoods
Favorite quote:
“Start by doing what’s necessary and then what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” -Francis of Assisi
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How you spend your time:
Leading a neighborhood faith community on my block, empowering entrepreneurs, pastors and ordinary people to dream new possibilities, leading the National Black Fellowship and the WI+H Movement
Apostolic Leader at Parklawn Church in Milwaukee, WI, CEO of the PRISM Economic Development Corporation
Why WI+H inspires you:
The inner cities of America are hard places to serve. They suffer from years of neglect. Jesus is the answer and the Church must present the good news in as many ways as possible because not everyone will come through the doors of a traditional church. WI+H provided a vehicle whereby ordinary Christ followers can live on mission, answer the call to discipleship and serve with Jesus and one another in tough places that have been abandoned and written off as hopeless.
Tronn Moller
Who are you WI+H?
Across the nation with leaders and entrepreneurs who want to make an impact and transform communities.
Favorite quote:
"You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. And you can't save the people if you don't serve the people." - Cornel West
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How you spend your time:
Learning best practices in the marketplace and utilizing them to transform leaders and organizations.
Consulting with leaders for community change for over 25 years and Professor of history at Delgado Community College for 16 years
Why WI+H inspires you.
WI+H inspires me because it is a movement that gives people the opportunity to weave Christology, Theology, and Ministry to get them on speaking terms.
Darrell Geddes
Who are you WI+H?
Minneapolis, Minnesota - Phillips, Powderhorn to the South, and Longfellow Neighborhoods & the Central to the West area where the largest Somalia population outside of Somalia live
Favorite quote:
“Preach the Gospel always, when necessary, use words.” -St Francis of Assisi
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How do you spend your time :
In the community; coming out from behind the desk.
Senior Pastor at Christ Church International for 19 years, Former Assistant Professor at North Central University, Former Executive Director at Urban Leadership Academy
Why WI+H inspires you?:
WI+H turns the church inside out! It refocuses the church on mission as it moves believers to respond to the pain points that exist within their community. It moves us outside of the brick mortar and into the community; into the “hedges and the byways” where people are hurting.
Tom & Trina Lyon
Who are you WI+H?
Minneapolis, Minnesota - Harrison Community
Favorite quote:
"I just don't believe that when people are being unjustly oppressed, that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they come from under that oppression." Malcolm X
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How do you spend your time :
In the community engaging in the lives of those that live and work there
Lead Servant of The Fruit Church Minneapolis, Stationary Engineer, Licensed Facilities Operations Manager
Why WI+H inspires you:
This movement recements us back to the foundation that Christ laid for us, to live out the gospel. Jesus never modeled outreach, He modeled In-Reach (Mark 2:15-17). Urban America is looking for leadership that will do more than pass them a meal, but have a meal with them. Jesus reminds us to honor the broken, to align, and not alienate. This movement is the reigniting of a spiritual revival in America!
Darnell Williams
Who are you WI+H?
Lima, Ohio
Favorite quote:
“It is not the critic who counts…”
“...if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - The Man in the Arena by Teddy Roosevelt
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How do you spend your time :
Reading, cooking, learning ways to develop myself. Nothing beats a quiet evening watching a great movie with my wife.
Leading my faith community to walk with those who are suffering with food insecurity and Lead Pastor for 28 years
Why WI+H inspires you:
Anytime the Kingdom of God can become accessible to those who need it, excites me! WI+H is about being Christ, incarnational ministry, representing Him, being visible and present.
Christopher White
Who are you WI+H?
Jacksonville, Fl 32246
Favorite quote:
“It’s time for the church to be the Church, Jesus built!”
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How do you spend your time :
Time with family, cycling, learning, building bridges between people and churches, and preaching the Gospel.
25 years in the marketplace. Church planter. Evangelist, and the Founder of One Body United in the First Coast. Coach on launching Faith Communities, leveraging Sent 6.7. Bridge builder between local churches and pastors.
Why WI+H inspires you?:
WI+H inspires me because there is an emphasis on churches being with each other and with their communities.