The dilemma.
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If the Church lives the Greatest Commandment, would America’s racism, poverty and deepest pain continue?
Between Bethlehem and Calvary, there was a radical Christ, who gave us a new value system. He turned tables upside down. He called religious leaders vipers and hypocrites and lived with the marginalized.
Christ’s values are not left or right. They’re centered in truth and justice.
Jesus lived among the poor and disenfranchised and modeled a life of faith and hope.
Then, He commissioned us to live courageously, to go to the dangerous places and fill them with good news.
With the devastation, unemployment, violence, sexism, and racism that exists, this could be the Church’s finest hour in America. We can give people a reason to fight for hope again.
The Kingdom of Heaven has been held hostage too long by people trying to be too safe. Leave your comfort zone and go where the pain is. Live where injustice and marginalization live.